
Bridging Cultures in Hong Kong's Workforce

Bridging Cultures in Hong Kong's Workforce


Hong Kong's aging population significantly impacts its labour force provision. The 2021 population census by the Census and Statistics Department reveals a continuous 37% increase in the local ethnic minority population over the past decade, with 72.9% in the prime working age. Today, with industries vying for talent, have employers considered this group of ethnic minorities as a potential labour resource? What challenges do ethnic minorities face when entering the workforce? A harmoniously inclusive workplace is a collaborative creation of both employees and employers. How are they preparing to achieve this?




社會愈來愈依賴科技和數碼化服務,如手機「攞飛」等位、QR Code落單、電子餐牌預覽、網購等。要建立通達無障的社會,除了建築物的硬體設施外,數碼無障礙的理念也不容忽視。數碼無障礙是指在設計和開發數碼體驗時,以任何人,不論身體機能或活動能力,均能容易使用為準則,當中包括殘疾人士及長者,但有殘疾人士認為本港數碼無障礙建設仍然不足,很多測試網購平台Apps更均未能符合無障礙設計功能,到底如何才能做到共融,令數碼無界限。 受訪者: 黃仕鋒(香港失明人協進會總經理 - 社會企業) 何睿知(香港失明人協進會財務秘書) 黃澤儒(視障人士) 鄧肇中(聽障人士) 邵日贊(龍耳總幹事) 陳振興(循道衛理楊震社會服務處長者服務部(九龍西)主管) 黃婉樺(香港社會服務聯會總主任 - 長者服務) 顏東鋒(香港失明人協進會數碼無障礙專員) 葛珮帆(立法會議員) 安宇昭(數碼媒體集團創辦人) 莫儉榮(香港傷健共融網絡總幹事)

New Vision for Sports Development

New Vision for Sports Development


Hong Kong athletes excelled at Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games. In order for athletes to perform at their best, a suitable venue is essential. Kai Tak Sports Park is the first sports park in Hong Kong, covering an area of 28 hectares. The performance indicators require that, in the first 5 years, the main stadium with 50,000 seating capacity should have 40-day hosting sport events. Combined with the surrounding facilities, is it sufficient to support the development of sports in Hong Kong? The government initated a 10-year Development Blueprint for Sports and Recreation Facilities to map out the development of future sport facilities. What is the plan of the new Blueprint? While sports associations seek suitable training venues for their athletes, how will their experiences and expectations be incorporated into future policy blueprints so that resources can be utilized effectively?




香港曾以玩具生產知名全球。背靠祖國生產支援,2022年,與轉口一併計算,香港仍是全球第八大玩具出口地。第 50 屆香港貿發局香港玩具展,一連四天的實體展覽共吸引來自 135 個國家和地區、逾 42,000 名買家到訪,而傳統香港廠商,角色從純生產者轉為負責品質控制和生產規劃為主;部分生產商更向環保及智能概念入手。近年大童玩具、藝術玩具興起,此類產品於全球化市場中能否站穩陣腳?政府又有什麼支援,如CEPA或各項配對基金等,扶助玩具業再發展? 受訪者: 柯曉泉(香港玩具廠商會會長) 張淑芬(香港貿易發展局副總裁) 吳凱俊(香港玩具公司創辦人) 黎日正(工業貿易署副署長 - 雙邊貿易、管制及工商業支援) 朱博(國內玩具公司銷售經理) 林健鋒(立法會議員) 林冬杰(環保玩具公司總經理) Gosta Kjellme(瑞典玩具公司創辦人) 施俊匡(香港玩具公司董事副總經理) 莊德仁(香港品牌玩具協會副會長) 陳國堅(潮流玩具展主辦方) 駱嘉樑(潮流玩具展主辦方) 李浩維(潮流玩具展主辦方) 李效淑(韓國玩具設計師) 小川耕平(日本玩具設計師) 伍漢邦(香港玩具設計師) 陳博君(香港玩具設計師) 黎力豪(香港玩具設計師)

Beyond Prevention of Scam

Beyond Prevention of Scam


Are online frauds really impossible to prevent? People have been defrauded of large sums of money by mistrusting online information, and many have fallen victim to personal fraud cases. While technology has contributed to life progress, it has also become a tool used by criminals for deceit. The popularization of the Internet has changed people's lifestyles, but it has also contributed to cybercrime. According to the latest police statistics, in the first quarter of 2023, Hong Kong's fraud cases increased by 65% compared with the same quarter in 2022. There are an increasing number of online fraud cases, and the amount of money defrauded is also growing. However, fraud is rampant. How can it be prevented before it occurs?




2023年施政報告提出體育發展政策,其中提出運動普及化,鼓勵和協助民間組織舉辦不同的體育活動和賽事。新興運動是近年政府大力推動的其中一環。康文署在2023-24年度的「新興體育活動資助先導計劃」向21間本地體育機構提供資助,這些新興運動包括巧固球、匹克球、競技疊杯和木棋等二十多項。不過,缺乏場地往往是各類運動面對的最大困難,為針對場地不足的問題,康文署開放部分指定場地作試驗計劃,以提供更多場地供新興運動,究竟能否滿足團體的需求?本港新興運動的發展路向又應如何定位? 受訪者: 許世全(香港中文大學體育運動科學系榮休及研究教授) 鍾道穎(中國香港啦啦隊總會秘書長) 關焯賢(香港競技疊杯總會營運總監) 練栢希(中國香港巧固球總會執行委員) 黃慧文(東莞工商會劉百樂中學校長) 吳子莉(中國香港女子巧固球代表隊教練) 鄭泳舜(立法會議員) 何景財(中國香港匹克球運動總會訓練總監) 鄧潔珣(木棋參加者) 梁家慧(聖公會福利協會東涌綜合服務社會工作員) 黎廣業(中國香港新興運動協會創辦人) 李輝立(標準流浪足球會總監)

How has our Rugby Sevens become magnificent?

How has our Rugby Sevens become magnificent?


Robert McRobbie, CEO, Hong Kong China Rugby; John Barclay, former Scotland Rugby Captain; Gabriella

A Walk Along Trees

A Walk Along Trees


If one were to design one or two urban tree-watching paths in the concrete jungle of Hong Kong... Architectural designer Alfred Ho sought out various tree-watching spots and walked with us to connect the dots. Along the way, we crossed paths with trees, perhaps they unfolded tales of architectural spaces, community lore, and even whispered fears; perhaps an ancient and valued tree or even an unremarkable one was transformed by its connection to an elderly; perhaps the scent of flowers evoked childhood memories, carried on the wind; perhaps some offered a canopy like an umbrella, coexisting in harmonious accord with their surroundings, a purely visual pleasure. So, we followed Alfred from Sai Wan to Admiralty, and then from Tsim Sha Tsui to Tai Kok Tsui, watching trees and embracing the city from a novel perspective.

Care in Action

Care in Action


2022's policy address proposed the establishment of 'Care Teams,' dividing Hong Kong's 18 districts into over 400 sub-districts, each with its own Care Team. This initiative, first rolled out in Tsuen Wan District and Southern District, serves as an organization to assist with government's district policies and to consolidate community resources. What specific services will it provide? How does the role of the Care Teams in the community differ from other groups serving the community? The government hopes to draw on the experiences gained in Tsuen Wan and Southern Districts and extend them to the remaining 16 districts. What insights do the District Officers, who are also the commanders of the Care Teams, have to share? And what suggestions might Care Team members have for reconsidering the service and operational model of the Care Teams?

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